Paola is public accountant from the “Escuela Bancaria y Comercial”, bilingual and has specialized in Transfer Pricing for 19 years, 15 of them in E&Y and Baker&McKenzie.
She has wide experience in consulting and compliance projects in Transfer Pricing, valuations, APA ́s for textile factories in IMMEX programs for fiscal matters, among others.
Her main focus is value and client service.
She is highly appreciated and recognized in all companies where she has participated.
Innovative and fresh ideas throughout all her projects.
Downtown Santa Fe
Av. Santa Fe 428 Torre III,
Piso 20
Lomas de Santa Fe, 05300, Cuajimalpa,
Mexico City
T +52(55) 1105 6500
Corporativo H+C,
Ignacio Herrera y Cairo 2835 Int. 3 C
Fracc Terranova C.P. 44689
Guadalajara, Jal.
T +52 (33) 1404 0140
Edificio Orvit Torre I
Av. Monte de Miranda 17 PH2
Distrito Piamonte CP 76240
El Marqués, Querétaro
T + 52 44 2456 0259